Taelor Bennett

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I tend to get obsessed with things and when I do, I don’t stop talking about them. I also use/eat them on a daily basis. Because I share these things over on Instagram, I am often asked about them in more detail. 

1. Diffusing rosemary and orange essential oils together every morning. I have a diffuser at my desk and one in my bedroom. I’m not at my desk every single morning, so I make sure I’ve got the oils burning whilst I’m getting ready for the day. I use a variety of brands for my oils (something I'm asked about a lot); If I ingest them, I will only use DoTerra or Young Living (I’ve heard Dr. Axe are high enough quality too, but haven’t tried for myself). If I am diffusing, I make sure they are organic. These two scents together help me feel calm, creative and focused. Here is the breakdown of the aromatherapy benefits of the two oils:

  • Rosemary essential oil: Great for the brain – improves memory and some studies have shown it to reduce cortisol levels as well!?

  • Orange essential oil: mood booster; uplifting and calming.

2. Collagen MCT Adapdogen Coffee: That’s a mouthful.  I’ve been a huge fan of bulletproof coffee for years. However, MCT oil doesn’t always sit well with me – it’s sometimes 30 minutes of intense intestinal pain where I think I’m dying… Okay, that’s if I really over do it, but still… So, that’s why I love mct oil powder; all the benefits of MCT oil, but without the gastro upset. I also love combining it with collagen peptides a.) they’re flavourless b.) A great way to get in protein; I tend to not hit my daily amount of protein without supplementing. I like to think of it as like a protein coffee. Sometimes, I drink it with just those two ingredients, but I also love to add mushrooms and adaptogens. *Please note: this is not low in calories, so if your goal is to lose weight, factor these calories and macros into your daily total. I usually drink this without any other food. My current favourite recipe:

  • 1/4c cold brew coffee concentrate

  • 1c boiling water

  • 7-18 grams collagen peptides (scoop size differs by brand)

  • 1TBSP MCT oil powder

  • 1/2tsp cordyceps powder (liver protectant, energy, immune booster, anti-ageing)

  • 1/2tsp chaga powder (anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, immune booster, cancer fighter)

  • Dash of cinnamon (helps improve insulin sensitivity, lowers blood sugar levels, antioxidants)

3. Pukka “cleanse” tea. I drink this a couple of times a day. It feels clean, fresh and hydrating. It contains the following ingredients:

  • Nettle: natural diuretic; aids in toxin elimination, increases circulation, reduces rheumatoid arthritis pain

  • Fennel: aids in digestion and some mothers swear by it for increasing milk supply

  • Peppermint: aids in digestion, relaxes nervous system, reduces inflammation and relieves nausea

4. Brené Brown. Obsessed. Completely obsessed. Her work alone deserves its own blog post. Please watch two of her TED talks: “The Power of Vulnerability” and “Listening to Shame” . Literally life-changing for me. There’s just too many thoughts with these; definitely writing about this in another post. Watch the videos, trust me.

5. Hand Frother: This has been a favourite for longer than any of the above… Probably a few years now. I love it so much, I travel with one. I use it to blend powders, butter, etc into liquids. I use it to make my morning coffee, I use it to make both matcha and turmeric lattes and I use it to mix/blend William’s daily “medicine” (herbs, vitamins, minerals, etc). They are less than £/$10 and one of the best purchases you’ll make if you like to add mushrooms/adaptogens/mct oil/collagen/butter into your drinks. You can find them on Amazon and at Ikea. Pop it in your carry-on luggage when you travel. Thank me later. 

And there you have it – some of my current favourites. Do you already love any of the above items? I’d love to know. If you have any favourites you’d like to share with me, please let me know in the comments below. 


XO, Taelor